Exploring Movement in Toddler Activities


For toddlers in a preschool in Brooklyn, New York, movement is more than just fun; it’s a crucial aspect of their overall development. At Petits Poussins Brooklyn, we design our toddler program to integrate movement into daily activities, fostering a love for physical activity while strengthening gross and fine motor skills.

Through play-based exploration, toddlers in our daycare in New York build a foundation for future physical literacy. We incorporate gross motor activities like climbing, running, and balancing into playtime, utilizing safe and stimulating equipment. This not only helps toddlers develop strength and coordination but also builds confidence in their bodies.

Fine motor skills, essential for tasks like writing and dressing, are also nurtured through movement-based activities. From finger painting and sorting toys to manipulating play dough and building blocks, toddlers in our childcare in New York program refine their hand-eye coordination and dexterity engagingly.

Getting the body moving benefits toddlers in a multitude of ways, both physically and mentally:

  • Cognitive Boost

    Physical activity gets the brain pumping, enhancing cognitive function and problem-solving skills.

  • Social Synergy

    Movement-based activities often involve interaction with peers, fostering social development and communication skills.

  • Emotional Equilibrium

    Physical activity provides a healthy outlet for toddlers to express themselves and manage their emotions.

  • Lifelong Health Habits

    By instilling a love for movement, we encourage healthy habits that can last a lifetime.

At Petits Poussins Brooklyn, we believe in nurturing the whole child, and movement is an integral part of that process. If you’re searching for a toddler care program that prioritizes physical development through engaging activities, contact us today to schedule a tour!

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