
Why Cultural Diversity in ECE Matters to Development

The importance of incorporating cultural diversity in all aspects of life has never been more prevalent: whether it’s at school, work, or any setting. This applies especially to the development of young children not just born from interracial...

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French as Your Child’s Second Language

To all the parents out there who want to introduce a second (or third) language to their child, here's our recommendation: Choose French. Why does a Daycare Brooklyn, New York, recommend French? Well, there are several reasons you should...

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Preserving Your Native Language

Do you know Mila Kunis? How about Nina Dobrev? If you aren't familiar with them, they are celebrities who are, or whose parents are, of foreign nationalities. Kunis is from Ukraine, while Dobrev is from Bulgaria. But why are we, a Preschool...

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Bilingual Children Are Smarter

Bilingualism is a term that is used to describe the ability of a person to speak more than one language. This can be achieved through growing up in a household where more than one language is spoken; or by learning multiple languages at school or...

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The Benefits of Learning a Language at an Early Age

Children's brains are the most malleable and develop the quickest. Knowing a second language can bring you tremendous benefits throughout your life. So, don't let your children get left behind. Make sure to introduce a second language early on and...

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Building Your Child’s Confidence

Having strong self-confidence might just be the key to a successful life. With its importance engrained in everything we pursue, teaching this trait should be integrated into childcare practices. As a preschool in Brooklyn, we would love...

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kid playing and kid lying in the floor